tirsdag den 11. oktober 2011

Review: Lindt Excellence 70% Cocoa Dark Chocolate

The Swiss always had a reputation for producing high quality chocolate and confectionary. In part this reputation stems from the fact that several of the pioneers of modern chocolate production were Swiss. Rodolphe Lindt, one of the original founders of Lindt & Sprüngli, is a case in point. Lindt invented the conche, a machine that helps producing smooth and flavourful chocolate that melts on the tongue and much superior to what was known at the time.

In addition, the prosperous Swiss banking industry probably provided investment funds for developing chocolate production. Also, in such a wealthy community (at least in the cities) luxury items such chocolate probably has a higher chance of success. Of course, much has changed since those early days of chocolate making.

Lindt & Sprüngli is still, however, widely considered a prestigious manufacturer of high quality chocolate and I would expect their Lindt Excellence 70% bar to be one of the top offerings in their range. And indeed this bar offers some nice features.

The box for one thing is elegant and this is matched by the appearance of the chocolate itself which has a rich dark brown colour and a nice glow to it. Appearance: 8 out of 10.

The aroma, however, is somewhat disappointing. It has aromas of cocoa, smoke and rubber, the latter being rather unpleasant. The aroma of the cocoa seems not to be that of a full bodied chocolate and in a blind test I would probably not have guessed that this was a 70% chocolate. Aroma: 6 out of 10.

The snap when breaking is fair if somewhat solid, though the mouth feel of the snap is much better. At first the texture is a bit dry but then improves to a nice melt. Texture: 7, 5 out of 10.

After the initial dryness, described above, comes a nice acidity and sweetness which is then supplemented by a nice if brief fruit. It is a shame that the fruit is not richer or at least more prolonged. The finish has a slightly unpleasant bitterness to it. Flavour: 8 out 10.

Average: 7, 375 out of 10.

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