mandag den 17. oktober 2011

Review: Marabou Premium 70% Cocoa Raspberry

In theory, at least, I think the combination of raspberry and chocolate is alluring. This is because hints of red fruit in the flavour profile of dark chocolate, is generally considered desirable in a dark chocolate.

In practice, however, it is probably very difficult to strike the right balance between dark chocolate and the acidity of fresh fruit. A related challenge in this kind of bar is probably that shelf life is considerably reduced if fresh fruits are used (rather than say dried or preserved). However, if ('sugared’) dried fruits are used much of the complexity in flavour disappears and the original advantage of red fruit hints with it.

How did the Marabou Premium with raspberry deal with these issues?

The box is nice and is designed in the same spirit as the other chocolates in the premium range. The chocolate has a nice shine to it and cross section view is also fair. Appearance: 8 out of 10.

However, the raspberry and chocolate aromas do not go well together in this particular offering, as it becomes much too fruity (according to declaration apple aroma is also employed). Aroma: 6, 5
out of 10.

The snap of this bar is not very pronounced and should be much more clean and crisp. The chocolate does not melt but lingers in the mouth for quite some time which is somewhat odd. Texture: 6 out of 10.

Initially an overly sweet flavour of what seems to me to be dried raspberries (declaration does not state whether raspberries are fresh or dried). At this stage I could also detect a hint of coconut. However, after the initial taste of raspberries comes a very unpleasant bitter taste, which somewhat ruins the entire experience. I am not sure of the source for this unpleasant taste. Flavour: 5 out of 10.

Average: 6, 375 out of 10.

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