torsdag den 23. februar 2012

Review: Lindt Excellence Dark Chilli

I still have to be convinced that chilli and chocolate is a good combination. Let me modify that. In the savoury kitchen I am a believer. However, in the sweet kitchen I remain a skeptic as I a look for something sweet and find that the hotness of the chilli ruins the sweet or “dessert” experience. Also, I was wondering how sweet or intense the chocolate would have to be in order to strike the right balance with the chilli. As it turned out this offering was rather on the sweet side and the chocolate had very little in terms of intensity. Thus, there was no conversation between the fruit in the chocolate and the power from the chilli. For the record I should state that the chocolate is not the same as that of Lindt 70%.

It is described as a “dark chocolate with chilli extract”. With 49% cocoa solids min. According to declaration this bar contains both butterfat and flavouring. Perhaps chilli extract is defensible (longer shelf life, no specks of chili?) though, as I have written before, I do not think butterfat should play any part in a chocolate described as dark. And then I am not sure what flavouring means in this context. If we are talking about natural flavouring such as vanilla or salt then I guess it's OK. But then again why not declare it as vanilla or salt? If, on the other hand, we are talking about artificial flavourings such as vanillin or something else, why not declare it as such and let the consumer judge for him or herself?

Appearance wise the box is nice and gives a good idea of the content. The chocolate itself appears nice with a very smooth and light brown colour for a dark chocolate. It has Lindt engraved. Appearance: 7, 5 out of 10.

The aroma is sweet with nice depth. There is only a hint of chilli in the aroma, though one immediately feels in the eyes. Aroma: 7, 5 out of 10.

The chocolate has a decent snap, good mouth feel, as well a nice melt. Texture: 7, 5 out of 10.

The chocolate is very sweet and the chilli is moderately hot. It is an OK chocolate but not very spectacular no hints of fruit or nuances in the taste. Also, the chocolate is not very intense. It could use a little salt. Flavour: 7 out of 10.

Average: 7, 375 out of 10.

Other reviews

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Jim's Chocolate Mission

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