tirsdag den 24. april 2012

Toms extra mint

As with the Tom’s Orange offering I reviewed here last week, this chocolate is produced by Ghanaian cocoa in special trays, a process that supposedly adds extra flavour dimensions as well as being better on the environment. This offering, entitled “Mint & Caramel” is described as a “Dark chocolate with caramel, cornflakes and peppermint oil” and contains a minimum of 60% cocoa.
The box is OK looking and well represents the proposition of a mint flavoured chocolate. The chocolate has a nice shine, though I feel the appearance is somewhat ruined by the orange specks (cornflakes?) on the surface. In cross section view it is somewhat better looking with white specks (caramel?) inside. Appearance: 7, 5 out of 10.

There is a good, perhaps too overpowering, whiff of peppermint, though there is too little chocolate aroma and no discernible scent of caramel. Aroma: 7 out of 10.

The bar has a real nice snap to it. There is a little crunch from the cornflakes and/or caramel. But as this is so finely ground,. It makes little sense to have these crunchy elements in, as the chocolate has a nice the crunch in and off itself. Texture: 8 out of 10.

The chocolate flavour is quite neutral. A nice balance has been achieved in terms of sweetness, not too sweet and not too bitter. Unfortunately there is no fruit in the chocolate flavour. There is a good taste of mint. Certainly a good balance is struck so that the mint flavour is not too overpowering. Still, the peppermint lingers a long time in the mouth in form of aftertaste. Also, there is a bitter aftertaste from the chocolate. The caramel flavour is not very pronounced. Flavour: 7 out of 10.

Average: 7, 375 out of 10

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