tirsdag den 30. august 2011

Review: Marabou Digestive

I’ll kick of this blog by reviewing a Marabou Digestive (200g bar) that has been sitting in my cupboard for a little while. It is a Swedish brand which, I think, was taken over by Kraft Foods. The brand appears to be quite popular in Scandinavia, with several varieties.

The appearance of the bar itself is OK without being anything fancy. Not too many digestives are visible in a cross section view. A look at the underside of the bar, however, reveals that quite a generous amount of digestives (20% called “Biscuit balls”) go into making a Marabou Digestive. The packaging appears quite balanced and nice. 7 out of 10

The aroma is milky chocolate, not too sweet with a recognizable buttery/fatty and cocoa element and something more indefinable, perhaps coming from “biscuit balls” and/or added aromas. I have no doubt the aroma will appeal to many. 7 out of 10.

The flavour is quite sweet and caramely and leaves a “burn” in the neck. It does lack any real chocolate flavour. Also, there is a hint of foreign fats, which gives it a slightly “wrong” taste. Here I think is where the potential for improvement is largest. 6/10.

The biscuit balls inside the chocolate provide excellent crunch in every bite and this part is really well executed. The melt of the chocolate is also good. However, there is no discernable snap to the chocolate covering. Texture: 8 out of 10.

Despite these issues I think many will enjoy this particular chocolate as the chocolate is not very intense and because of the well executed crunch added by the biscuit balls.

Test notes: I tested this bar in two different conditions. One at room temperature and the other sample was placed in the fridge for a few hours. In my opinion the room temperature sample was best by far. The cooled one was not only too tough but the biscuit balls were noticeably less crunchy. Also the cooled sample did not appear to improve its snap. Perhaps milk chocolate is not supposed to have any particular snap to it?

Average 7 out of 10.

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