onsdag den 31. august 2011

How do I taste chocolate for a review?

If you wonder how I taste chocolate for a review here is a rundown of the process. First, I evaluate the appearance and presentation. Is the wrapping attractive? How is the shine and colour? Next up is the aroma. For example, is it sweet smelling and does it smell of cocoa? Then I break a piece of to evaluate the “snap” of the chocolate. If it is crisp and clean it is usually a good sign. The snap is of less importance in milk, white and filled chocolate as these do not have the same kind of crisp snap.

Next I evaluate texture and flavour including the snap when actually biting into the bar, the thickness and the melt or mouth feel. Flavour wise I look for complexity and nuances such as bitterness, sweetness acidity and for notes such as fruits and earth. Finally I look at the development from initial to final taste.

With some bars where I expect it to be very sweet or rich I may sometimes taste it not only at room temperature but also chilled (from the fridge) in order to see if the sweetness is balanced this way. However, in my experience only few bar gain from being chilled.

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