tirsdag den 30. august 2011

Review: Marabou Premium 86%

The Marabou premium series is described on the website as a “richer dark chocolate”. Both visually – and by name – it stands out from the ordinary “Marabou”, suggesting a more elegant and sophisticated product.

Package (100g contents) appears nice, though the large golden fonts detract somewhat from the otherwise elegant look one would expect from an 86% chocolate. A nice detail is the cocoa beans printed on the foil wrapping. Also, individual pieces (10 in all) are shiny and patterned elegantly. Presentation/appearance: 7 out of 10.

Aroma is nice. Nice smell of dark sweet chocolate. From the sweetness of the aroma I would probably not have guessed that this was an 86% chocolate. Aroma: 8/10

The snap of the chocolate is quite good. Not only when you break off a piece, but also - and more importantly - when you bite into it. However, the melt is less good. The chocolate disintegrates to smaller pieces in the mouth taking quite a while before melting. Even when it melts it does so unevenly. If this chocolate is intended for eating as is, rather than for cooking, perhaps improvement in this area would result from a thinner bar. Texture: 7 out of 10.

The initial flavour is surprisingly sweet and not too bitter. After a few moments the bitterness blends in with the sweetness. The flavour is not overpowering which is an achievement in such a dark chocolate. The bitterness lingers in the mouth long afterwards. Unfortunately there is little fruit and complexity in the flavour, making the aftertaste too one sided. Perhaps this is a perennial issue with very dark chocolates such as this one. Flavour: 7 out of 10.

7,25 out of 10.

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