torsdag den 22. september 2011

Review: Anthon Berg Marzipan Bar

This dark chocolate coated Marzipan Bar from Anthon Berg is a Danish classic and quite popular, as the Anthon Berg brand is often associated with good quality chocolate.

In keeping with this image the wrapper is visually quite aesthetic. The chocolate coating has a non-glossy dark brown colour and a cross-section view of the marzipan reveals an elegant look. The bar has few imperfections on the bottom and sides. Appearance: 8 out of 10.

Aroma is nice and sweet with no bitter tones. Both chocolate and marzipan aromas are discernable. Aroma: 8 out of 10.

The snap is fair, though could be crispier. The marzipan texture is somewhat coarse. Texture: 7 out of 10.

I find the chocolate flavour quite good and it is impressive that is has enough character to stand out given that it is only a thin covering and “only” 54% chocolate. However, the marzipan itself has an artificial flavour, probably due to inclusion of apricot kernels which unfortunately quickly dominates the flavour to the worse. In my opinion the taste of apricot kernels is not as sophisticated as that of almonds and is “wrong” in a marzipan bar such as this one. On the positive side the bar is not too sweet - sometimes an issue with marzipan bars. Flavour: 6, 5 out of 10.

Average: 7, 4 (rounded figure)

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