tirsdag den 6. september 2011

Review: Ritter Sport Caramel & Nuts

I finally got around to reviewing the Ritter Sport “Caramel & Nuts” bar, which is one of the highest scoring from the Ritter range over at Jim’s Chocolate Mission.

The package is attractive and I quite like the font type “Ritter” is set with. It brings association to things alpine - quite appropriate for a German brand. My only issue with the design is the overweight of contents being concentrated on the right hand side which make the top and left hand side appear rather “blank”. This design template is employed for several varieties such “Praline” and “Neapolitan wafer”.
Whereas the packaging is attractive the filling appears somewhat dull – visually speaking – in a cross section. To be fair, however, it is probably not an easy task to produce an attractive looking filling in a bar such as this one. I give the appearance 7 out of 10.

The aroma is pleasant dairy chocolate with a hint of nuts which I rate 8 of 10.

The flavour is very sweet, neutral and somewhat lacks character. The first flavour to kick in is the milk chocolate. The hazelnut flavour came in relatively late. However, the caramel flavour did not come across very distinctively. The aftertaste is quite sweet and the caramel leaves a “burn” in the neck. Flavour = 7/10.

It is a shame that the nuts are chopped quite finely and thus not providing sufficient contrast in texture, as the idea of caramel and nuts is very good. The rice flakes (rice crispies?) also add too little in terms of crunch and contrast. The melt of the chocolate is nice but perhaps one might also hope for some more snap from the milk chocolate covering to provide a more exciting contrast in terms of texture. Texture: 7 out of 10.

I think, nevertheless, this could easily become a quite popular bar which will appeal to many consumers, as it is sweet, rich and melts quite nicely.

Average 7. 25 out of 10

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