onsdag den 2. november 2011

Review: Bounty

Bounty is the chocofication of coconut enrobed in chocolate. To me – and I suspect to many consumers - the idea of coconut and chocolate is an enticing one. It is therefore surprising that only a few brands have such an offering in their range. Also, some of the manufacturers that did try their hands with this combination have not been hit by immediate success. Ritter Sport, for example, created a “cocos” bar, which did not sell well and was therefore discontinued. However, fans have requested it be brought back.

This classic offering from Mars, is coconut filling (dried coconut accounts for 21%) covered with milk chocolate (at least 25% cocoa solids). Presentation wise the blue/white wrapper looks OK and the light brown colour of the chocolate itself is decent, without being spectacular. The saving grace, however, is the cross section view, which is very nice with hite filling between milk chocolate. Appearance: 7 out of 10.

Surprisingly there is not much coconut fragrance when the bar is still unbroken. The aromas are those of coca and milk chocolate with no particular nice smell to it. When broken into the coconut comes somewhat better through. Aroma: 7 out of 10.

The bar has a nice texture in the form of good soft melt from both filling and chocolate. However, the chocolate feels waxy in the mouth which somewhat ruins the otherwise nice texture. Texture: 7 out of 10.

The chocolate is very sweet and appears to be of low quality and lacks chocolaty intensity, even when taking the genre into account. The coconut filling too lacks intensity and, at least to my liking, should have had a more intense coconut flavour. Flavour: 7 out of 10.

Despite the low scores, this bar is larger than the sum of its parts, as the proposition is nice. Mars has an excellent opportunity for improvement making this bar even better.

Average: 7 out of 10.

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