tirsdag den 24. januar 2012

Review: Irma’s Organic Milk Chocolate with cardamom

This offering is from Irma’s private organic label a Danish supermarket, though the manufacturer is German Ludwig Weinrich.
Chocolate and spices can be an enticing combination, though I believe it eventually boils down to a matter of personal preference. And I suppose this offering of organic and Fairtrade certified milk chocolate (38%) with cardamom will mainly appeal to the more adventurous customers. I consider my self in that category and love the thought of spices in chocolate provided it is properly done.

Appearance wise I am not too impressed with the wrapper, which I believe could be nicer. However, the chocolate itself is really nice looking with a rich and shiny brown colour. Appearance: 8, 5.

The aromas are quite nice of dairy chocolate and a distinctive aroma of cardamom. On the plus side the aroma could have been much more dominating than it is in this bar. On the negative side the aroma does overpower any aromas that might have come from the muscovado sugar used in the making of this bar. Aroma: 8 out of 10.

The snap when breaking of a piece is quite excellent though it is much less pronounced when actually biting into it. The melt is very good indeed, even though the chocolates sticks a little to teeth and gums. Texture: 8 out of 10.

The chocolate itself (38% cocoa) is rich with good though not too spectacular a flavour. The cocoa comes cleanly through. There are hints of caramel and spices (muscovado sugar?). As expected the cardamom is quite dominating, and perhaps it could toned slightly down. Ultimately it is a question of either or. However, having only one piece at a time (not my forte :-) makes the flavour intensity just about right. Flavour: 8 out of 10.

Average: 8, 125 out of 10.

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