torsdag den 5. januar 2012

Review: Ritter Sport Butter Biscuit

I will open 2012’s reviews with my very own favourite from the Ritter range. While it is neither on the top 3 in Germany, England or the world, this one is, so far, my personal favourite.

While plenty of manufacturers has a wafer and chocolate combination in their range I am not familiar with too many that use a biscuit in its place. In general I am not too fond of chocolate coated wafers for the reason that the wafer is often, in my opinion, not substantial enough to carry the chocolate and becomes too light to be really satisfying.

This butter biscuit proposition, however, is much better, I think, for several reasons. First, the biscuit is more substantial. Second it provides better texture in the form of crunch and thirdly, at least for his particular variety, adds smooth and delicious cocoa cream.

The wrapper is OK looking. The chocolate itself is very nice and shiny and also looks good in a cross section view. Appearance: 8 out of 1o.

The aroma of this offering is quite nice too and offers good notes of milk, caramel and cocoa aromas. Aroma: 8 out of 10.

Good crunch from the biscuit filling and very good melt and softness provided by the cocoa cream. This combination is particularly well done. Texture: 8 out of 10.

The flavour of the milk chocolate takes a back seat here and gives way to the sweet and mild cocoa cream and crispy butter biscuit. In short rather nice and certainly, in my opinion, the best tasting offering from the Ritter range I have tasted so far. Aroma: : 8 out of 10.

This is not a high quality bar using the best of ingredients in the making. Nevertheless it is a no frills bar that does exactly what it should do: namely provide a quick and tasty fix for the sugar hungry.

Average: 8 out of 10.

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