tirsdag den 8. november 2011

Review: STORCK Toffifee

Toffifee is described as “A Hazelnut (10%) in caramel (41%) with creamy nougat (37%) and chocolate (12%)”. Such a combination is rich and full of potential provided enough love and care goes in the making. Unfortunately I do not think this is the case with this offering from German confectionary manufacturer, STORCK.

This particular packet came with 15 pieces (125g) which seems well proportioned in size. The appearance of the box seemed to convey the idea of the offering well, neither over- nor underselling it. The Toffifees themselves look OK if a little on the dull side and could use a little decoration or at any rate something that might liven them up a little. Perhaps some chopped hazelnuts, on top, for example, might look nice. Cross section view reveals nice look. Appearance: 7, 5 out of 10.

There is a strong aroma of hazelnuts, buttery caramel with notes of coffee. However, there is very little in terms of chocolate which is rather disappointing. Aroma: 7 out of 10.

The Toffifees mostly have a soft chewy texture, which is a little too soft in my opinion. The only crunch to break this soft, chewy texture comes from the hazelnut. Unfortunately this single (?) hazelnut a piece is not quite enough crunch. A good opportunity for improvement, I think, would be to add more nuts (or crunch). On the plus side the Toffifees have a nice melt. Texture: 6 out of 10.

Flavour wise the Toffifees deliver the taste of hazelnuts and toffee, though neither toffee nor hazelnuts flavour is very intense, which makes this a less satisfying experience than what might be expected from such a rich combination. Also disappointing is the lack of any distinctive chocolate flavour. While this offering certainly is not an unpleasant, the lack of intensity in flavour makes it a little dull. Flavour: 7 out of 10.

Average: 6, 875 out of 10.

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